Flyboarding Water Sports Adventure in Tarkarli Devbaug
Flyboarding is still relatively new in India. It is currently available in Goa (few locations) and in the Tarkarli-Devbaug area in Maharashtra. When it comes to water sports, the most common ones are the banana boat ride, Jet Ski and all the other different shaped boat rides. Surprisingly, flyboarding is not heavily advertised even though Tarkarli-Devbaug is quite popular for water sports.

While i was researching for things to do/see in the Tarkarli area (as part of the South Konkan trip), i just happened to see this on the map. Then, i went ahead and saw some videos before deciding to do an advance booking. Was lucky here as the flyboarding was to be closed for 5 days starting Holi and i had luckily asked for an advance booking. So, we changed the plans and bit and did flyboarding the day before Holi

About Flyboarding: Is it dangerous? No. Is it difficult. No. Do you need to know swimming? No. Is it fun? YES. Anyone over the age of 12 is allowed. It is basically a water jet tied to the bottom of your feet. This jet releases water and this propels you upward. Or rather, it should 🙂 You will move a lot forward/backward until you get the technique right. You will get fully wet. You will fall many times on your face/back into the water. When you hit the water flat on your face/stomach from a height, it does give a “jhatka”, but no injuries. It was super fun. I definitely will do it again the next time i visit and hopefully, do better. The below videos shows some of the falls we had! If you think that 20 mins is very long, it is not. It will take you quite a while to get the technique right.
Cost: Since it is relatively new, it is expensive. When Jet Skis became popular 10 years back, they used to charge 2000+ rupees. Nowadays, you can get a jetski ride in under 300 rupees. Flyboarding in Goa is also a bit cheaper as there are multiple options. Here, in tarkarli, it costs 3500 pp for 15 min. But if you book in advance, it costs 3000 and you get 20 mins. Good deal. Always better to book in advance as you will get the slot of your choice. I asked for the first slot of the day (8AM). The weather was great (Mar 2024) and they were also not in a hurry as they had no one right after me.
Location/Booking: The details are in the poster below. Call them, they will ask for an advance of 500. They will also send you a receipt for the advance which you need to show when you go there. If you are staying somewhere in Tarkarli, the flyboarding centre is on the river side. I stayed at the Bhogwe side, i booked a boat for pickup/drop.

1. Wear shorts which are tight. Not loose ones like i wore. Otherwise, every time i came out of the water, i was worried whether the shorts also came with me or was left behind in the water 🙂
2. Do an advance booking. Cheaper, gets you more time and you can get the slot you want.
3. One technical tip: Balance is tough. Even before you come out of the water, bend/fold your feet upwards (push toes upward at the ankle). This should make the jet come to the front at an angle. Now slightly bend your back forward, so that your body is at an slight arch. You will easily come out of the water. Took many falls to understand this. But after i got this, i almost succeeded to come out every time. A video with some of the “successful flights” that we had!
If you happen to be in the Malvan, Tarkarli or Bhogwe area, do not miss this adventure!